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A young girl’s journey out of darkness

In the damp darkness of her cell, a young girl is daydreaming of being a real princess. Suddenly a hand-delivered invitation from the King shakes Orphaleena’s safe world. Now she is faced with a decision, one that could possibly change her life forever. Will Orphaleena escape her dungeon with its familiar voices and courageously accept the adventure of a lifetime? The fear is great but the possibility of love is greater.


32 page hardcover

14 beautiful full page watercolor illustrations

What readers are saying…

Orphaleena is a well written & beautifully illustrated tale. People of all ages can appreciate it, including children. This book is a keeper. Hopefully they’ll make a movie based on it, as it has the potential to be Disney-esque…

Al and Nicole

If you have a daughter that loves princesses…this book is just for her! It tells the story of a true princess that didnt realize that she was one… it is a wonderful story that will help your child’s self esteem and cause her to understand who we are…

Cathy Basler

At first glance I thought this would be a story aimed for a young reader. What I quickly discovered is that I was captured in the dungeon with Orphaleena. I’m a middle aged mom! Yes, I will treasure this story and share it with my teens and adult children…

Jada Smith

Sara Currey has written a wonderful story that transcends age or race to speak to the hearts of all who enter her story. The levels of its truth comfort the heart of all who enter and find the understanding that we are loved. Illustrations are just gorgeous…

L. Payne

About the Author

Sara Currey

At 15, while on a summer mission trip to Brazil, Sara experienced God’s love for the world.  Growing up between snow banks in Minnesota, Sara never imagined living in the deserts of West Africa, the rolling hills of Basque Country or the jungles of Brazil.  Canada, Germany, France, Guyana, Togo, South Africa, and Madagascar are just a few of the stamps that mark Sara’s worn-out passport.  After her marriage to Steve, they joined PIONEERS and made the transition from short to long-term church planting ministry in Senegal.

Sara began writing poetry as a teenager and her love of words followed her into her 20’s as a songwriter.  This led to producing different musical projects. In 2011 she had the privilege to sing and participate in the production of a French children’s CD.  Orphaleena is her first printed book.

Sara, Steve, and their two daughters have settled in France’s northern Basque Country, where they live, love, and serve church planting teams across Europe.

Sara’s still traveling and enjoys ministering through singing and teaching. She feels called to bring the message of Orphaleena to women worldwide, helping them find their true identity as daughters of the King.

About the Artist

Karen Berghorst

Born in California, Karen grew up on military bases until her family settled back in California when she started high school. After coming to know the Lord at the end of her senior year, she began her walk with Jesus that eventually led her and her husband to Worthing, England.

After winning an art competition at the age of 7, Karen knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. Over time she developed her style of drawing or painting in detailed layers, be it pencil, ink, acrylic or water colour. She has enjoyed painting on many different surfaces – automobiles, surf boards, walls, cardboard, boulders, t-shirts – as well as the standard paper. Orphaleena gave her the opportunity to illustrate a book in a way that tips its hat to the illustrations of old that had such a profound influence on her art.

Karen and her husband, Frank, continue to minister from Worthing, where their two daughters of the King, Clare and Maria Kay, grew up. She is thrilled to bits that the precious story of Orphaleena can now be shared with people the world over in printed form!

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Scribbles by Sara

notes from my journey out of darkness

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Scribbles by Sara


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